MetropoLives – Marseille
by Jiří Havrda
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MetropoLives – Marseille 24Hours Project 2016 The Red City MetropoLives – Barcelona Story of Mr. Li Gamekeepers The life of a Central Bohemian village, local habits and customs. A gamekeepers association and their traditional activities – the hunt for wild boar, the hunt ball and the gamekeepers ball. Radětice, Stěžov, Pičín / Central Bohemia, 2013-2014 […]
The Hamamatsu Foundry Semana Santa Semana Santa, or Holy Week, is a real event for the Spanish. They dress themselves up and head into the streets with their family. Traffic stops in city centres. Masses of people streaming everywhere and following processions reminiscent of the time of the Inquisition. Groups in Medieval capirotes wander from […]
I use the surrounding world as a scenery for a theater show performing inside ones head. *1977 MA student of the Institute of Creative Photography at the Silesian university Opava. Freelance photographer, curator and graphic designer, editor-in-chief of The Year of a Dog The Epitaph for an useless man [Flying Lotus – Hunger 2:21] Day […]
Nation to itself Even in our small and unknown central European country there is something to be afraid of. That it’s a transit country for refugees and of no interest to anyone doesn’t mean we can’t fight about it. May Day Slatinky is a hamlet in Haná at the end of the road that runs […]
Výstavní projekt mapující přístup k problematice měst a metropolí z pohledu umělců různých žánrů. Naši skupinu zastupovali David Mužík, Jiří Havrda a ex-členka Jana Hunterová.
Ten okamžik je fascinující. Chceme se ho dotknout, objevit podstatu, to co není vidět a co má zůstat skryto. Čekáme až se změní fazóna, na vteřinu zmizí maska a odkryje se pravda.